Office hours

The function "Office hours" allows a managemant of appointments within the Stud.IP profile. To use this function, go to your profile by clicking "Profile" in the main bar on top of the page, after logging in to the Stud.IP platform. Afterwards, navigate to the tab "Office hours".

There are a few functions available on the left side of the overview page.


Choose "Current dates" to get all of your current dates listed on the overview page.
Choose "Past dates" to get all of your past dates listed on the overview page.


In the actions menu, you can find the option "Create office hour blocks". By clicking this, you can create new dates. How to create office hour blocks is explained here.


Tick the option "Notification about bookings", if you would like to get messages within Stud.IP, when someone has booked a date within your office hours. You will not receive messages, by unticking this option.


By clicking "Export bookings", you can open or download a .csv file, where all bookings are listed. Unbooked dates will not be listed.

Letzte Änderung am 31.07.2020 13:57 Uhr von cfliegn.