If you want to change the basic details of an existing course, the process is analogous to set up a new course. However, the subareas are distributed across several pages; thus, there are the basic details, the course times, the schedule and the access permisions. On this page you can elaborate the basic details. In the first section you see the following input boxes:
The page consists of four areas (Basic settings, Institute, Staff and Description), which you can click on and then edit. Initially the first section “Basic settings” should be open.
In the following the meaning of each field will be explained:
2. Please enter the type of course, e.g. colloquium, lecture, seminar in the Teaching area, committee course in the Organisation area, etc.
3. Type of course: Here you can provide more specific information. If you, for example, specified "basic course of studies" under “Type of course”, you can now enter whether it is a lecture or an undergraduate seminar. You can be extremely creative in stating the entries in this field because they only serve to further describe the type of course.
4. Enter the Course number under which the course is also listed in the university's Course Catalogue.
5. If it is a course in which students can obtain credit points, please state how many “ECTS points” will be given for a successful participation in the course.
6. . Enter the Number of participants. On the one hand, the number of participants only provides information; on the other hand, this number also effects a restriction of the number of participants if you have activated that option.
7. Please state in which Room the course will take place (e.g. ZHG011, VG415, etc.).
8. In the large Description field please enter — in a manner similar to that used in a university prospectus — a description explaining what kind of course it is.
9. Select your Home institute from the list. Generally, the correct entries have already selected. The list opens up when you press the small “down arrow” button. If you are a lecturer at only one institution, you can only select this option. If your institute is not on the displayed list, please contact your institute’s administrator.
10. If Additional institutes are participating in the course, you can now also enter them.
In the following section you can alter the participants in the course and the outside access (please note that you do not have this option if you are only listed as tutor of this course):
1. Course lecturers Now please specify the course lecturers. Normally, that will be you yourself. If there is also a co-lecturer press and hold the CTRL key (on your keyboard at the lower left) while you click on the second name on the list.
2. Substitute (only if globally activated!) People acting as "substitutes" therefore have the same permissions as lecturers, but are not visible as participants. Actions such as uploading a file or setting an appointment in the schedule are still designated with the name of the primary person.
Those who have global permissions as "tutor" or "lecturer" can be registered as substitutes.
If a person registered as lecturer defines the standard substitute, he or she will also be automatically be added to the course as substitute. However, the list can also be manually edited.
Users cannot simultaneously be lecturer and substitute; if one is registered as lecturer, the entry as substitute will be removed and vice versa. But simultaneous entry as tutor and substitute is possible so that a person can externally appear as a tutor, but have more permissions internally.
3. Tutors You can select your assistants here. Tutors have permissions similar to those of the lecturers in courses; they can therefore, for example, upload references, prepare schedules, etc. However, they cannot change basic course data such as “lecturers” — only you as the lecturer can do that. If there is more than one tutor, again press the CTRL key while you select several names from the list. Incidentally, only registered research assistants of your institution are on the list. You cannot designate students as tutors.
In the last section you can change a few free entries:
1. Participants specifies the target group, e.g., of students for whom the course was conceived - for example: social sciences or MuK, from the 3rd term (semester).
2. Pre-requisites for participation in the course (for example: finished course XYZ, successful completion of the intermediate examination).
3. Learning organization specifies how the course is to impart knowledge - for example, plenum with discussion.
4. Performance record What type of performance record can a student obtain in your course? (For example: Certificate of attendance, Graded performance record).
5. Data fields Depending on the settings which your admininstrators have activated, additional entries can appear here. These are termed “free data fields” according to the conventions in Stud.IP. However, they can look like the other fields mentioned above or checkboxes, selection boxes, etc. If you are not sure what you should enter in some of these fields, please contact your administrator. Of course, there may not be any data fields at this location in your installation of Stud.IP.
6. Other For example: Cell phones are not allowed in the course.
Please briefly check the data you have put in. If all entries are correct, click on the following "apply" button.
Thereupon, your changes of the course data will be stored.
Courses can also be given avatars, i.e. small pictures, which are displayed on the Detail page, the "Courses" page and the quick "Course search" on the header bar. These small pictures naturally, primarily have an aesthetic function, but it is also nice to have something on which you can visually orient yourself.
To change these avatars, click on "change picture“ in the Information box at the right and upload an image file on the next page. The changes should be visible immediately.