Embedding learning modules

On this page you can find information on how you can embedd an ILIAS learning modul to a course and how you can delete it .

To add a learning modul you need to be the "lecturer" or the "tutor" of a course.

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3. embedd ILIAS-learning moduls to a course

To embedd a learning modul into your course as a first step you need to embedd a learning modul interface into your course. At the menu list of your course you can find the menu point "more...". Choose that one.

On this page you have the possibility to activate or deactivate content elements. On the bottom of the page you can find "learning modul interface". By setting a tick and saving the setting you activate the content element.

No you receive a new tab named "Learning modul".

For the next step you have to get to the learning modul administration page where you choose the tab "learning modul". You are at the menu point "add/delete learning moduls".

At this page you can find the function to choose on a system for the learning modul. Therefor you choose from the drop-down menu under the note"to embedd learning moduls" the tab "ILIAS 4" and confirm it with "choose".

Choose from the shown learning moduls a object or look for an object via the search function.

With the next step you choose the desired learning modul and confirm it by using the butto "add". Then the modul is embedded to the Stud.IP course.

Determine the access privilegs on your learning modul. Behind the little "i" of ever option you can find an explanation:

  • No writing perission: Only the owner of the leraning modul hast writing permissions for content and structure of the learning modul. Tutors and lecturers can delete the conjuction to the course.
  • With writing permission for every lecturer of this course: Lecturers have writing permission for content and structure of the learning modul. Tutors and lecturers can delete the conjunction to the course.
  • With writing permissions for every lecturer and tutor of this course: Lecturers and tutors have writing permissions on content and structure of the learning modul. Tutors and lecturers can delete the conjunction to the course.
  • With writing persission for all participants of this course: Lecturers, tutors and participants have writing permissions on content and structure of the learning modul. Tutors and lecturers can delete the conjunction to the course.

The desired learning modul is now embedded to your course.

Letzte Änderung am 21.06.2018 10:51 Uhr von cfliegn.