
In a duel you can compete with other users. You can decide, whether you would like to compete with an unknown person or a person of your choice. To use this function, click [Weiter] ("go") in the field "Duell" ("duel").

You can see three options in the overview: With [Neues Duell starten] ("start new duel") you can start a duel with a person of your choice. By clicking [Die Warteschlange betreten] ("enter queue") you can compete with unknown users. If you do not want to receive duel requests at all, click [Alle Duell-Andragen blockieren] ("block all duel requests").

If you want to challenge a person of your choice, please click [Neues Duell starten] ("start new duel"). Enter the name oder the user ID of the person in the field "Gegner" ("enemy") and click [suchen] ("search"). Choose the right person and the questionnaire you would like to use. After you set everything the way you want to, click [Duell sofort starten] ("start duel right now").

When you enter the queue, you will be connected to a random person which has entered the queue, too. You will stay no more than three hours in the queue. To get the chance to be connected with an unknow person, please click [Die Warteschlange betreten] ("enter queue"). After that, you can see in the overview how much time remains in the queue. If you are already participating in an active duel, you can see details about that in the overview, too.

Letzte Änderung am 01.10.2021 09:23 Uhr von cfliegn.